Saturday, June 7, 2014

While The Weather is Nice

The weather has finally turned and it is beginning to feel like summer outside! Since it has stopped raining and we have had consistently warmer temperatures, we have been spending lots of time outside with the dogs soaking up the sun. We started off celebrating the warmer temps by redoing our front garden. It's not officially done, but close enough that we can live around it! When we were gardening the dogs were behaving so amazingly that I couldn't help but take a dog break and take some photos of them. Of course taking pictures of the dogs turned into cuddling with the dogs and get distracted from what we were actually suppose to be doing. Luckily we eventually got back to work and I actually forgot I had taken the photos about two weeks ago.

Earlier this week, Dee and I were taking about how much Hannah loves playing in water wether its the pond, her baby pool, or the hose, she just loves to play in it. Since Hannah loves to play with the hose so much, we decided she needed a sprinkler to keep her occupied. This morning we finally set up one of the 3 sprinklers we got her. She loved playing in the water and eventually learned that she could pick up the sprinkler and move it to where she wants it to go. It actually was really funny and super cute. Luckily Hannah wasn't being too crazy with the water that I was able to get my camera out and take a couple photos of the water and her playing.

Enjoy the photos below. More to come soon.

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