Thanksgiving might be one of my favorite holidays simply because it is over shadowed by the two holidays it is sandwich between. Halloween and Christmas take over and poor Thanksgiving is forgotten until the day approaches. While I enjoy Christmas, Thanksgiving reminds us to be thankful for the people and things we have in our lives. While we should be thankful for these things all year round, Thanksgiving forces us to vocalize what it is that we are truly grateful for.
My list of things I am grateful and thankful for would be a mile long if I would let it. The two biggest things this year I would have to say I am thankful for are my girls. Hannah and Lumen (I promise I will not be dedicating another whole blog post to them!). Both of these beautiful girls have made me grow as a person and focus on taking care of them instead of just focusing on me. They have shown me what unconditional love is and given it to me every single second of the day. I always smile when I get to come home to them. There couldn't be anything more amazing in the world than something showing you how unconditionally it loves you. I think that might be one of my favorite qualities about dogs, the realization that they only know a couple things in this world and one of those is to love you with everything they have because they do not know any differently.

Every year I am thankful for my family, they are the people in the world who love me no matter what. They have let me grow as a person and helped lead me in the right directions. They have also let me fail in a sense so that I can come out stronger on the other side. They always have my back and I will be forever thankful for each and every member. However, this year I am especially grateful for my aunt. At the beginning of this year she took me in and let me become a part of her life. She gave me the two greatest gifts I could have ever asked for, Hannah and Lu, she give me some independence while living with her and helped me grow as a person. While doing all of these things, she also became my best friend. Within the short months of her being back in my life, we grew close and opened up to each other. I will forever be thankful for the friendship we have together. I know no matter what, at the end of the day she will always be there for me, as I would be there for her.

This is the time of the year that I want everyone to be thankful for what they have around them and not what they want. Look around you and realize that what you have is great don't compare yourself to others, because everyone has more than they know to be thankful for.
Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving this year!!!